Pastel Painting with Greg Maichack

He’s back for a new and exciting presentation of Jellyfish!

We are once again hosting award-winning pastel artist Gregory Maichack via ZOOM! This event will be held on Wednesday, June 8th from 5:30-7:30pm.

He will be presenting an Adult hands-on workshop entitled, “The Jellyfish: How to Pastel Paint.” It is perfectly in line with the national 2022 theme of Oceanography and an Ocean of Possibilities. This pastel painting workshop is designed for sheer beginners to experienced artists.

Space is limited to 12 participants so please email the library at to reserve your spot and to schedule a curbside pick-up time to get your materials. That’s right! All participants will be provided pastels, white pencils, and pastel paper, in this fun pastel painting workshop that you will do from home! All we ask is that you return the red pencils once you are done.

Once you are a registered participant, we will email you the Zoom link.

This event is being sponsored by the Brimfield Cultural Council and the Friends of the Brimfield Public Library, Inc.

Wi-Fi Hotspots Now Available To Check Out!

The library now lends out hotspots for wireless internet access! Hotspots can be checked out for two weeks and can be reserved – just like a book – by calling the library at 413-245-3518 or by emailing us at,

Curbside Pickup – Library Closed to Browsing

Due to staffing shortages and the increased number of Covid-19 cases in our area, we are returning to curbside pickup beginning on January 5th, 2022.

Please call 413-245-3518 or email to reserve/request items and a staff member will assist you in setting up a contact-free pick-up time. Please see our COVID-19 Reopening page for more information, including a link to our online catalog!

We are very sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Please stay safe and healthy as we navigate another challenging chapter of this pandemic together.

Curbside Pickup hours are:

Monday – Thursday: 9am – 5pm

Saturday: 9am – 1pm

Pastel Painting with Greg Maichack

He’s back for an encore presentation of Dandelions!

We are once again hosting award-winning pastel artist Gregory Maichack via ZOOM! This event will be on Thursday, September 16th, 2021 from 5:30pm – 7:30pm. He will be presenting an Adult hands-on workshop entitled “Dandelions,’ a Jean-Francoise Millet Inspired Pastel Painting. This pastel painting workshop is designed for sheer beginners to experienced artists.

Space is limited to 12 participants so please email the library at to reserve your spot and to schedule a curbside pick-up time to get your materials or to pick them up in the library. That’s right! All participants will be provided pastels, white pencils, and pastel paper in this fun pastel painting workshop that you will do from home! All we ask is that you return the pencils once you are done. Once you are a registered participant, we will email you the Zoom link.

This event is being sponsored by the Brimfield Cultural Council and the Friends of the Brimfield Public Library, Inc.

Oscar the Wonder Dog with Ms. Nicole

Join us for a fun new show presenting Oscar the Wonder Dog and Ms. Nicole (AKA Maggie the Clown). Oscar knows over 40 tricks and will astonish you with his antics!
This is a family friendly event that is open to all ages and is sponsored by the Friends of the Brimfield Public Library, Inc. It is on Friday, July 30th at 11am and is being held at the Brimfield Town Hall.
Call the library at 413-245-3518 to sign up today!


Virtual Cooking with Lara: August 3rd

Join Ms. Lara, Registered Dietitian from Food Explorers to make homemade No-Bake Mini Cheesecakes! You’ll need the following ingredients: graham crackers, butter, brown sugar, heavy cream, cream cheese (2 bricks = 24 cheesecakes), white sugar, lemon juice, plain yogurt OR sour cream, and optional vanilla extract plus a topping of your choice (berries, sprinkles, chocolate chips). Whipped cream can be made from scratch during class! You will need an electric mixer.
This class will be conducted using Zoom on Tuesday, August 3rd from 4pm – 5pm.
This event is for children ages 7+ and is limited to 10 families. Please email the library at to sign-up. Once your family has signed up we will email you the zoom link. This event is being sponsored by the Friends of the Brimfield Public Library, Inc.


Argh You Ready To Read?! – 2021 Summer Reading Program

Our 2021 Summer Reading Program kicks off tomorrow and our theme this year is ‘Argh’ You Ready to Read?!
Children and teens are welcome to participate. Children ages 3-12, and teens ages 13-18 can sign up and collect their reading logs/bingo cards at the front desk. Children and teens will receive prizes as they complete their reading logs. Sign-ups for summer reading close on July 21st so you have plenty of time to join in on the fun before you have to walk the plank!
The final day to collect your summer reading prizes is Wednesday, September 22nd!

In-Library Appointments Beginning May 5th

We are delighted to announce that we will be open for appointments beginning on May 5th!
Starting on Wednesday, May 5, 2021, we will be open for appointments on:
Wednesdays 10am -12pm
Thursdays 3:30pm -5:30pm
Saturdays 10am -12pm
You can register for your appointment by calling the library at 413-245-3518 during our staff working hours. Appointments are for 15-minute intervals. Computers may be used during your 15-minute appointment. We have built-in time between appointments to sanitize the library.
Curbside Pick-Up services will still be available for those that would prefer that method of borrowing materials.
For more information, please see our COVID-19 Reopening page.


BPL Scavenger Hunt

The Friends of the Brimfield Public Library, Inc. are hosting the library’s first-ever town-wide scavenger hunt for a chance to win $100!! This awesome event will kick- off on Saturday, April 10th, and run until Sunday, April 25th.

The Google form can be found here:
Anyone can play, but if you’d like to enter the contest for a chance to win $100, and help support the Friends of the Brimfield Public Library, Inc., you can submit your $10 entry fee by using (click on Library Donations) or by dropping a check off at the library. Please make the check out to the Friends of the Brimfield Public Library, Inc.
We hope you join in on the fun!